Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de throw

to throwtirar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I throwyo tiro
you throwtú tiras
he throwsél tira
she throwsella tira
we thrownosotros tiramos
you throwvosotros tiráis
they throwellos tiran
they throwellas tiran

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I threwyo tiré
you threwtú tiraste
he threwél tiró
she threwella tiró
we threwnosotros tiramos
you threwvosotros tirasteis
they threwellos tiraron
they threwellas tiraron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have thrownyo he tirado
you have throwntú has tirado
he has thrownél ha tirado
she has thrownella ha tirado
we have thrownnosotros hemos tirado
you have thrownvosotros habéis tirado
they have thrownellos han tirado
they have thrownellas han tirado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had thrownyo había tirado
you had throwntú habías tirado
he had thrownél había tirado
she had thrownella había tirado
we had thrownnosotros habíamos tirado
you had thrownvosotros habíais tirado
they had thrownellos habían tirado
they had thrownellas habían tirado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will throwyo tiraré
you will throwtú tirarás
he will throwél tirará
she will throwella tirará
we will thrownosotros tiraremos
you will throwvosotros tiraréis
they will throwellos tirarán
they will throwellas tirarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have thrownyo habré tirado
you will have throwntú habrás tirado
he will have thrownél habrá tirado
she will have thrownella habrá tirado
we will have thrownnosotros habremos tirado
you will have thrownvosotros habréis tirado
they will have thrownellos habrán tirado
they will have thrownellas habrán tirado

I would throwyo tiraría
you would throwtú tirarías
he would throwél tiraría
she would throwella tiraría
we would thrownosotros tiraríamos
you would throwvosotros tiraríais
they would throwellos tirarían
they would throwellas tirarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have thrownyo habría tirado
you would have throwntú habrías tirado
he would have thrownél habría tirado
she would have thrownella habría tirado
we would have thrownnosotros habríamos tirado
you would have thrownvosotros habríais tirado
they would have thrownellos habrían tirado
they would have thrownellas habrían tirado

Participio presenteAnotado
throwing tirando

Participio pasadoAnotado
thrown tirado

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